Hours of Operation: 8AM-5PM
Open Season: Mon-Sat; Late May thru July

Peach FAQs

Q:  When are the peaches available?

A:  Our cling and semi-cling varieties begin in late May to early June.  Freestones begin in mid to late June and last through July.

Q:  How can I get your peaches?

A:  Our produce is only available at our on-farm market during the harvest season.

Q:  How do I store my peaches?

A:  You should keep your peaches at room temperature.

Q:  How long will my peaches keep?

A:  At room temperature your peaches will continue to ripen naturally and should last for several days.  If you wish to keep them fresh for a longer time, just pop them in the refrigerator which will slow the ripening process and allow them to stay fresh for a week or so.

Q:  Can I freeze my peaches?

A:  Absolutely.  Peel and cut up your peaches.  Place them in a bowl of water containing citric acid powder (fruit fresh).  This process prevents the oxygen in the air from turning the fruit brown.  Drain the water from the fruit and place in plastic bags for freezing.

For more freezing tips:  Click Here

Q:  Do you sell “overripe” peaches?

A:  No, we do not.  We feel that what may seem like a smart purchase at the time, for you, turns out to be a mistake when you get home with an inferior product.  We only sell the good stuff!

Q:  Do you allow people to pick their own peaches?

A:  Sorry, but peaches are only available at our on-farm market.

Q:  What is a “tree ripe” peach?

A:  Tree ripe or tree ripened is a term describing the stage of maturity at which the fruit is harvested.  Most farms must pick their fruit a bit too early in order for it to be firm enough to be handled by harvesting and packing machines and to withstand shipping.  We use no harvest or packing machinery and we do not ship our produce.  This allows us to leave the fruit on the trees until it is at peak flavor.  Peaches are picked by hand and placed directly into small, one peck boxes for sale at our market.